Tehama County HMP Update

[cs_heading column_size=”1/1″ cs_heading_title=”Tehama County HMP Update” cs_heading_style=”1″ cs_heading_align=”center” cs_heading_divider=”off” =”null” cs_heading_font_style=”normal” cs_heading_color=”#2e2e3a”]Please explore the content below to see some of our work detail.[/cs_heading]

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Dynamic Planning + Science’s Response to Tehama County HMP Update RFP

DP+S RESPONSE DOCUMENT [pdf file, 13MB total]

This download contains 1 PDF format version of our RFP response document.


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Dynamic Planning + Science Work Samples

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City of Vacaville Outreach and Public Open House Hazard Overview Mapping

Targeted poster outreach for public engagement.


Public open house posters in the wild.

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Sample utility mailer stuffer.


Ethan at City of Vacaville Public Open House.

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Raffle prizes from Open House – hand-delivered by DP+S.


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Contra Costa County Flood Safety Plan Public Safety & Flood Contingency Mapping

In the field with local engineering and stakeholder on Bradford Island, in the California Delta.


Reviewing flood fight material, Bradford Island.


At local Levee Maintenance Agency field office, Bixler Tract, California Delta.


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Each of Contra Costa County’s 14 Levee Maintaining Agencies are mapped in 3 unique spreads over a 93-page mapbook including a divider spread, a public safety spread and a flood contingency spread.

Untitled-1-1 copy

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Sacramento County Flood Safety Plan Flood Depth & Time of 1-foot Inundation Mapping

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Map production is automated over 25 individual hypothetical levee breach scenarios.


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San Mateo County Community College District Student Equity Mapping

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