Shasta Lake held the final Open House for its Land Use, Housing, Circulation, Open Space, and Conservation Elements of its 2040 General Plan Update. DP+S provided materials, postcards to residents, social media resources, and graphics and activities for the open house.
We had a great turn out, thanks in large part to these great postcards designed in-house by DP+S.
The community turned out in a large way with more than 100 attendees on a beautiful Saturday in February.
Attendees participated in varied activities that solicited input to the final goals, policies, and implementation actions for the General Plan Elements.
Diving into Land Uses
Attendees were able to interact with large-scale versions of old and new land use designations, and ask questions of DP+S and City staff.
Pennies for Policies
Attendees received a roll of pennies and could vote on policies by dropping pennies into their favorites.
Weighing in on City Priorities
Attendees ranked City priorities related to each General Plan Element. For example, this Conservation Element asks questions related to City investments in conservation, best practices for water efficiency, and personal conservation practices.